Gundl Kutschera
Resonance Valley

Research Center for Empowerment and Sustainable Development

What is Resonanz Valley?

People in resonance are strong and inwardly balanced and go into the future with confidence, even if they do not know what it will be like.

A research facility where research on how relationship, self, social and environmental competence can be taught and learned professionally and privately happens. Similar to Silicon Valley's focus on IT, Resonance Valley wants to explore talent, gut feeling and equal togetherness. The following model institutions will be found at the Resonance Valley:

  • A model school
  • a holistic health center,
  • a leadership academy

Resonanz-Valley aims to connect projects and people around the world that aim to help restore resonance and connect people, nature and technology.

Research is being conducted into how specialist knowledge can be combined with intuition and gut feeling.

The next generation

"Everything is vibration, change your vibration and it changes your life".

The secret is resonance

Peace and equal coexistence is possible when different cultures and religions respect and learn from each other.

The secret to achieving this is resonance. It helps to find peace within oneself and to make conscious use of the brain's enormous capacity. Resonance is a term from physics and means how locally separated objects can vibrate together. Like in an orchestra, different instruments play in their very own vibration and at the same time find their way to a harmonious whole. Resonance means being in harmony with oneself and one's environment, so that equal coexistence becomes possible.

The mission of Resonance Valley to bring people and projects together to reestablish this Resonance in all parts of life. 

Through current brain research we now that emotional intelligence is linked with professional knowledge. Through the Resonance-Method up to 98% of unconsciously used parts of the brain are made consciously usable.

You will learn how this is possible in our first program "Mental Vacation".

Our current programs

Inwardly strong and balanced people face the future with confidence - even if they don't know what it will be like.

(G. Kutschera)

Mental vacation

School of Joy

Apprentices in resonance

Dr. Gundl Kutschera

Dr. Gundl Kutschera is a sociologist, health psychologist, clinical psychologist, teaching coach, teaching trainer, teaching supervisor and author.

In 1974 she founded the Kutschera-Resonanz® method and continuously developed it further. She worked as a trainer, lecturer and university lecturer in Europe and the USA and founded the Institut Kutschera in 1982, where she still teaches today with great passion and commitment.

For over 40 years, Dr. Gundl Kutschera and her team research the foundations for a healthy, happy and successful life.

In her new online program "Mental Vacation" she supports people in discovering and living their hidden talents, shows how specialist knowledge is combined with intuition and how to make the impossible happen. With the help of the Kutschera-Resonanz® method, it becomes clear how bad days become good ones, how we resonate with others so that work and family life are in balance and a fulfilling, healthy and happy life can be lived.

Worth reading

Books by Gundl Kutschera

Worth seeing

Videos by Gundl Kutschera

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Worth listening to

CDs, MP3s & Podcasts by Gundl Kutschera

Eisvogelgasse 1/3
1060 Vienna
