The earth is in turmoil and chaos
Together we can restore resonance

Resonanz Valley for Peace

A Research Center for Sustainable Development

Our Mission:

We translate cutting-edge insights from neuroimmunology and quantum physics into everyday life to help restore resonance in a world facing turmoil and chaos.

Expertise is very important and is taught very well, but Relationship, feelings, togethernessWhat we human beings really long for is not taught.

Resonance Valley's mission is to figure out how we can work in the quite normal everyday life, with all those people who are important to us, can live our deeply hidden desires.

I was allowed to accompany many people for 50 years and I experienced so much love, so much longing for joyful togetherness, for intensity, but all that was hidden deep inside, almost as if locked up, and they didn't know how to live it. How often I myself have longed for love, felt it with my parents, my children, with so many people who were important to me, but the words we spoke were different. Often even the great opposite of our inner desires.

The secret to this is the resonant flow feeling. We assume that each person has a very individual resonance, which we received as a birth gift and which is often buried in the course of growing up.

We want to reawaken this glow and radiance, this birth gift, this sun in you, step by step, so that you can feel and live your resonance more and more again - and you become more and more alive and joyful.

We want to research how to make that accessible to as many people as possible:

We need resonance between people, nature and technology.
We long for a meaningful life, for joyful togetherness.

Would you like to help us get our projects off the ground and make them accessible to as many adults and children as possible?

As a small thank you, all who donate will receive a power place meditation to recharge their batteries.

Every contribution helps!

We need all kinds of support so that we can help people worldwide.

Resonance Valley e.V.
Raika Kto Nr: AT45 3437 0000 0142 3896