Gundl Kutschera
Gundl Kutschera
Dr. Gundl Kutschera is a sociologist, health psychologist, clinical psychologist, teaching coach, teaching trainer and teaching supervisor.
In 1982, she founded the Kutschera Institute and in 2010 the Talent Academy (TAK), which researches and teaches how resonance (flow) and individual talents can be lived by oneself and with others. The aim is to effectively put the findings of modern brain research into practice. In 2021, she founded Resonanz Valley, a research center for empowerment and sustainable development.
Gundl's Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Gundl Kutschera, founder of one of Europe's largest communication institutes
Gundl, who is 84 years old and is always different from everyone else.
Gundl, who was always different from an early age and often suffered greatly as a result, but was also always happy about it.
Gundl, who enjoys yoga, skiing and being in nature.
Gundl, who always has new ideas.
Gundl, who believes with much joy and love in the good in every human being and who always rediscovers and awakens this with much fun ...
Gundl, who has lived with her family in many places around the world.
Gundl, who has learned from the best and the worst teachers: she has learned how she would like to be and how she would not like to be - in short: she has learned everywhere and at all times.
Gundl, who can dawdle for hours and days, do nothing, hang around and then suddenly get up again and carry on with lots of energy and joy.
She believes in it:
Inwardly balanced, strong people face the future with confidence - even if they don't know what it will be like.
She believes in an instruction manual for the brain:
If we humans learn to consciously use the huge capacity of the brain, then we can cross borders and together create an earth on which there is enough space for everyone, enough food, enough money, enough work, enough love, togetherness, joy, ...
She understands all those who don't fit in at school and still, like Gundl herself, get a school-leaving certificate. Not because it's great, but because they can train their brains with everything that's on offer and if they want to make a difference, they need to know and understand how teachers, parents, schools, universities, teachers, society, the economy, etc. tick. In other words, they learn that every school subject, every teacher is like a computer game that they can discover and understand.
Gundl, who repeatedly carries out projects, writes books and makes holistic, networked thinking teachable and learnable for everyone.
Gundl knows all the ups and downs
Gundl, who has been married for 62 years, has 3 children and 14 grandchildren, knows all the ups and downs of being a mother, a lover, a wife, a grandmother, a boss, a friend, a trainer and a coach.
Gundl has learned that there are no psychological problems, there is only NOT KNOWING. We learn so much, but not about relationships and not about raising children. We don't know how to live happily together - we don't know how to communicate our love to others and hide it deep inside ourselves.
Most of our current problems are at the relationship level and not at the technical level.
Gundl believes in the power of love and agrees with Einstein, who says: "The strongest energy in the universe is love.
We humans long for this love and at the same time are most afraid of it. The secret recipe of all good leaders, parents and teachers is that they dare to live this love with others.