
Podcast: Gundl Kutschera in conversation with Nicole Siller

With Nicole Siller, the experienced sex therapist, we talk about intensity, sex and quality of life.

With Nicole Siller, experienced sex therapist, we talk about intensity, sex
and quality of life.

Welcome to my 1st episode

I am interested in how resonance is awakened and lived in everyday life. If we live in resonance then we know who we are, then we are healthy, then we live quality of life and have the feeling that our life is meaningful. It sounds so simple, but it's not. But the beauty of it is that you can learn it.

Here for this podcast I have set myself the goal to interview people who have already achieved this and have implemented resonance in their lives with love, mindfulness and at the same time with a lot of power and intensity. I want to show how our resonance training, which is so much fun and where you can learn so much with so much ease, leads people to their successes and to more quality of life.

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About Nicole Siller

I am always interview partner in various media, radio, TV, print, online, etc.. Lecturer (topics, sexuality, women, health, relationship, etc.).

What I offer

  • Coaching and consulting in Vienna and virtually as well as
  • Online courses and offerings to promote self-competence www.lebendich.at/shop
  • Salon talks with colleagues about sexuality


  • "My Sex, What Else?", The Book of Female Pleasure, 2022.
  • Find Your Lust! The practice book for female sexuality, 2018, out of print
  • Podcast: "Sex & Food" on all major podcast channels, including YouTube, Spotify, etc.
  • Blog "It's never too late for good sex!" in the Austrian daily newspaper (https://www.derstandard.at)


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